What are the main components of a District Cooling system?

What are the main components of a district cooling system?

District Cooling System

District cooling is the generation and distribution of cooling energy in the form of chilled water from a central chiller plant to multiple end-user buildings for the purpose of comfort cooling. The chilled water produced at the central chiller plant is transported to the end-users via a network of chilled water distribution piping.

Main Components of a District Cooling System
Main Components of a District Cooling System: District Cooling Plant, Piping Network and End-user Buildings

As shown in the diagram above, a District Cooling System consists of the following primary components:

  1. The District Cooling Plant is a Central Chiller Plant which generates the thermal energy in the form of chilled water.
  2. The Piping Network which transports and distributes the chilled water to the End-user Buildings.
  3. The End-user Buildings which subscribe to the District Cooling Service and consumes the thermal energy.

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